The Invisible Hill

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Going green

For one who loves food, Christmas can be a heaven. It's often not easy to resist something you're offered just once a year. So because I know I will be eating a lot of fatty (yummy) food during a couple of days, I've been adding more green stuff on my plate than usually. And I might stick to that even after Christmas.

Your body will thank you for adding that green stuff on the plate

I also found this neat video on velonews, from Haute Route 2012. It's a 7 day 7 stage cyclosportive across the Alps/Pyrenees, and is one of the things I want to do before my days on the bike are over. It is said to be the toughest cyclosportive in the world. This 46' program follows 600 amateur cyclists battling 780km, 19 Alpine cols and 21000m total ascent, in the World's Highest and Toughest cyclosportive.

Enjoy your Saturday evening!